Friday, April 30, 2010

De-Mystifying SEO Magic

SEO seems to be a hot button issue at the CSU Fullerton campus this semester, and I go to as many of the speakers as I can, bonus for you I guess. This week is CommWeek, and I  had the opportunity to sit in with Michael Craig, of ByteLaunch. Now this information isn't new, its not exclusive, and I'm not the first to ever write these words, but I have found the "magic formula" for SEO success. Content. Providing great content.

It takes nothing more, and nothing less, than great content to rank highly in the search engines. Great content is shared, liked, upvoted, dugg, retweeted, and read (which for a writer is easily the most gratifying). The benefit of all this sharing, specifically the organic type mentioned above, is that Google values all these "backlinks" above just about anything else you can do for search marketing.

Michael, through sharing the work of his Internet Marketing Firm in Orange County, helped turn the light on for a few SEO concepts that have escaped me in the past. Concepts like the 80/20 rule.

80/20 Rule

Its been said that 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers. Those 20% are the repeat buyers, your True Fans. There is another 80/20 rule that applies to SEO Marketing in regards to your ranking factors. 80% is what happens off your page, while 20% is what happens on it. Lets start with the first 20%.

To read more, please see the Search Marketing post at

Posted via email from Devon Jordan's posterous

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Redditor Gets it Right, Finding Customers through Social Media

<img class="alignleft" title="Reddit Alien Pizza" src=" " alt="Relationship Marketing, the next generation" width="287" height="384" />Every once in a while, I come across someone doing it totally and completely right. Taking relationship marketing or social media, and bending and shaping it to their will. So, in keeping with the read/write/share nature of the web, I have decided to take a moment each week, and point out when someone gets relationship marketing (or at least my view of what it should be) right.

While browsing <a href="" target="_self">Reddit</a> I came across this <a href="">post</a> from the good people at <a href="">Rocky Mountain Pie</a>. Earlier in the week, someone had posted a pizza made by the guys at Rocky Mountain Pie, and it made it to the front page, a small victory for any Redditors post. Rocky Mountain Pie saw the post about "Pizzasaurus" and decide to pay homage to the good folks at Reddit, by constructing a Reddit Alien pizza (as seen in the picture above). Almost like they took a page from the Chris Brogan book on "Growing Bigger Ears" they listened, reacted and engaged in a way that only social media can offer.

Here is why I think it worked:

Follow the link to read more!

Posted via email from devonjordan's posterous